Canadian University Press
Feb 28, 2021
Today at our Annual General Meeting, we elected our new board of directors.
The Canadian University Press’ (CUP) Annual General Meeting is typically run at the NASH conference, but we held it online this year the weekend after The Varsity’s NASH83—which seemed to have further encouraged presence and engagement.
“It became apparent that CUP had to continue to prove its usefulness and presence to its members, and I made it a priority to try and push us forward in that direction this year,” said Jacob Dubé, CUP president, in his president’s report.
“I’m pleased to report that, thanks to the great work of our board of directors and the support from CUP publications, we’re making great progress on that front and members are telling us they’ve been happy with our new direction this year.” You can read this report, as well as the rest of the individual executive reports, in full here.
Overall, attendees discussed some of the projects and initiatives CUP’s Board83 successfully launched and ran this year. Member publications expressed interest in seeing more of such projects, like our equity workshop and our LGBTQ2IA+ reporting grant(applications are still being accepted).
CUP’s treasurer Emma McPhee noted that CUP’s accountants did not provide an official budgetary report in time for the AGM. As soon as this report becomes available, CUP will broadcast and host a meeting for members to discuss and inquire about any numbers.
The AGM also saw discussions around enhancing the marketing of all of CUP’s services; projects where CUP can fund an initiative and a publication can choose how to use the funding; and taking advantage of our Francophone board members to make CUP more bilingual and inclusive of our Francophone members.
There were no motions put forward at this year’s AGM.
The AGM also hosts CUP’s annual bid for the annual NASH student journalism conference, where any member publication can bid on hosting with a short presentation. However, no one bid at this year’s AGM. If your student publication is interested, please contact president@cup.ca as soon as possible.
There are vacancies for one Atlantic rep, one Quebec rep and one Western rep. You can inquire about filling one of those positions by emailing president@cup.ca.
Congratulations to all the winners, thank you to all the candidates who ran and to all those who attended.
And on that note, here is your new CUP board for the 2021-2022 year! This upcoming board will take over on May 1, 2021.
Sarah Krichel
Vice President
Willa Holt (McGill Daily)
Rania Osman (The Gazette)
Director of Funding
Pawan Minhas (The Ubyssey)
Director of Operations
Tyler Griffin (The Eyeopener)
Jacob Dubé
Communications Officer
Caitlin Dutt
Ontario Representative
Catherine Abes (The Eyeopener)
Ontario Representative
Charley Dutil (The Fulcrum)
Quebec Representative
Abigail Popple (McGill Daily)
Western Representative
Dhriti Gupta (The Eyeopener)
Atlantic Representative
Diana Chávez (The Aquinian)
Prairies/North Representative
Ana Cristina Camacho (The Sheaf)
Prairies/North Representative
Carlo J. (The Sheaf)