Canadian University Press
Feb 19, 2021
Welcome to NASH83 week. This document will guide you through everything you need to know as an attendee of NASH83. We’ll detail:
Plenaries and the AGM, explained
What you need to know about how your publication can host the next NASH
Want to run for CUP? Positions available for 2021-22, how to run, and why you should!
Plenaries and the AGM, explained
NASH isn’t just our yearly Canadian student journalism bash—it also serves as our annual general meeting where member publications can determine the direction CUP will take in the following year. That being said, we can’t have an AGM without your participation. Throughout the conference, there will be plenty of opportunities to submit motions, talk to current members of the CUP Board of Directors and attend the midweek plenary meeting. We ask that you make a note of the following meetings:
Mid-week plenary: Feb 20, 1-2 p.m. EST
Final plenary/AGM: Feb. 28, 12 p.m. EST
Q: What is midweek plenary and why should I care?
A: It is mandatory that at least one delegate from each member paper at NASH come to this meeting. Midweek plenary will consist of informal conversations to provide more context on what we’ve been up to, questions to and from the board and the membership, and other points of improvement you’d like to see from CUP next year. We will also go over important processes, like how to submit a bid for NASH84 at the Annual General Meeting on Feb. 28, how to submit an agenda item for the AGM, how to run for the CUP board and what each position entails. All of these things are explained in this document.
Q: What is the AGM and why should I care?
A: The Annual General Meeting is the backbone of NASH, and the reason why it exists. As a non-profit in Canada, we are required by law to hold an AGM with members in order to complete several procedural tasks (approval of our financial statements, our auditor for the following year, etc.). Every member publication must have at least one person present to represent them.
Outside of the boring procedural matters, plenary is the opportunity for members to guide the direction of the organization for the next year and beyond. Every member has the opportunity to put forward motions that will guide the board’s directive for the following year and to discuss and change the guiding principles of the organization. For example, last year at plenary we created an Equity Committee (which organized the fantastic equity training session event) and were prompted by members to make changes and additions to the JHM awards.
It is also the time when we elect our board for the following year and choose thehosts of the next year’s NASH conference. If you are interested in serving on the CUP board of directors or placing a bid to host NASH, you must attend Sunday plenary to put your name forward and speak to your candidacy, or have someone present to speak on your behalf.
Q: How long will the final plenary last?
A: The length of the AGM has varied over the years. We will begin at noon EST on Feb. 28 (as long as we meet quorum). While it is ideal to be there for the entire meeting, it’s okay if you have to leave at some point during the meeting if you have another obligation.
Q: What should I do if nobody from my publication can attend?
A: You are allowed to proxy your vote to another paper should you not be able to attend the AGM. However, if you know you aren’t able to attend the AGM, you should consider this throughout NASH as you look for someone to proxy your vote to.
Ideally you should proxy to a paper with the same interests as you, and one that you trust will have your best interests at heart when casting your votes. Either that, or one that will communicate each vote to you for you to send your decision to. If you need to proxy, please have this arranged before the meeting begins at noon.
As a CUP member, it is your duty to attend plenary. We are a very old organization that owes its success to the deep involvement of its members throughout its 83-year history. We need the feedback of our members to guide our organization and to help it to continue to succeed.
Want to host NASH84 in January 2022?
Another decision typically made at NASH is who will organize the next year’s conference.
If you’d like to host NASH84, this is your chance to make your case to the rest of the membership. NASH bids are solicited at the AGM on Feb. 28, and the CUP membership will vote for their preferred bid for NASH84.
To bid, publications need to prepare a short presentation outlining why their publication would be able to host a great NASH. There is no specified template, but it’s a good idea to give an overview of why your host city could work, offer a general theme, a few potential speakers and event ideas, and demonstrate that you have a team that can pull it off.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Varsity last year outlined a potential back-up plan when they pitched their conference in January, should the virus have broken out. And it did. Going with a physical conference, virtual conference or hybrid is a good thing to keep in mind when pitching. You don’t have to finalize those details, but know these things are a possibility in light of current circumstances.
Want to run for CUP? Positions available for 2021-22, how to run, and why you should!
Getting involved with the Canadian University Press is a unique opportunity to connect with journalists across the country. We help organize events like NASH and our new annual equity training workshop; provide services such as a CWA and National Newsmedia Council membership; and we host The John H. McDonald awards. The Board of Directors also works to implement directives from the CUP membership and is a great way to connect with various media organizations. Board positions are open to all members, regardless of whether or not they’re attending NASH.
How to run: If you’d like to run for the Board, simply make your intention known at one of our three plenary sessions—opening, midweek, and final—or by speaking to one of our current Board members. Board elections will take place at the AGM, where delegates will declare their nomination and give a short statement. Each CUP publication, and not each person attending, will be able to vote on candidates.
You can contact any one of our board members here.
Available positions:
Director of Operations
Communications Representative
Finance Director
Two Regional Representatives for each of our regions:
Board positions are for a one-year term, lasting from May 1, 2021 to April 30, 2022.
Job descriptions: The Board of Directors shall have the following responsibilities and powers associated with their positions:
The President is in charge of the general vision of CUP, and works towards creating and managing its relationships and projects. Officially, the President shall, subject to the authority of the Board, have general supervision of the affairs of the Corporation.
The Vice President supports the President’s projects, and is the acting President in their absence. They would also run and manage their own projects, such as the JHM awards.
The Treasurer supervises CUP’s financial affairs, ensures that accurate financial records are kept and that proper care is taken in the receipt, disbursement, and deposit of funds and securities.
The Director of Operations is in charge of taking minutes of all our meetings and keeping records of CUP’s meetings, including the plenaries. The director of operations is also the human resources representative, who takes part in the hiring of any employee and ensures that all hiring policies are in accordance with the law. The human resources representative shall act as a mediator in the event of disputes between or regarding directors of the Corporation.
The Communications Representative is responsible for communicating the activities that CUP does to the broader public. They do this through sharing/creating emails, newsletters, social media posts and more. It really depends on how the rep believes is the best way to spread the message.
Regional Representatives are the main point of contact between member publications in a region and CUP itself. They organize regular meetups with publications, provide information and services, and occasionally organize regional conferences and events. There are two available Regional Rep positions per region.
That’s all for now, and again—don’t hesitate to shoot any of our Board members any questions or curiosities you’ve got! Email us, find us on Twitter or DM us on the NASH Slack!
Happy NASH83!
— Canadian University Press, 2020-2021.