Andrew Mrozowski / President
Jul 18, 2024
In Response To CRTC's Call for comments – Application for exemption from the Online News Act by Google
To The CRTC:
I am writing to you as the President of the Canadian University Press to address a significant oversight in the implementation of Bill C-18. This legislation, designed to support Canadian journalism, inadvertently excludes a vital segment of the industry: student-journalists.
As student-journalists, we are deeply embedded in our communities and serve as a crucial training ground for the future of journalism in Canada. However, the current criteria for funding allocation, as administered by Google, do not account for the unique structure and contributions of student-run publications. Many of our member organizations do not have the requisite number of full-time journalists, do not print physical editions, or are owned by student unions. These criteria unfairly marginalize student-journalists and undermine the spirit of Bill C-18.
Despite these limitations, student-journalists are no less committed to the journalistic profession. We diligently report on issues that matter to our peers and communities, often providing a fresh perspective that is essential for a well-rounded media landscape. Excluding us from the benefits of Bill C-18 perpetuates the misconception that we are not "actual" journalists, disregarding our contributions and potential.
The exclusion of student-journalists from this funding not only hampers our ability to operate but also threatens the future of journalism in Canada. We are the next generation of reporters, editors, and media leaders. Ensuring our sustainability and growth is crucial for the continued health and diversity of Canadian journalism.
I urge the CRTC to reconsider the criteria for funding allocation under Bill C-18 and Google to include student-run publications. By doing so, you will support a broader and more inclusive range of journalistic voices, strengthening the fabric of Canadian media for years to come.
In addition to sending this comment in opposition, I request to appear before the CRTC committee on this matter to further address the detrimental impact both C-18 and the execution of this bill are having on our sector.
Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I look forward to your response and am available for further discussion on how we can better support student-journalists in Canada.
Andrew Mrozowski
Canadian University Press