JHM Awards
Submissions open until December 9, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST
Every year, CUP holds the John H. McDonald Awards for Excellence in Student Journalism.
Better known as the JHMs, these prestigious awards recognize the very best in student journalism across the country.
Nominations are open to all student journalists, regardless of CUP member status. Non-members pay $20 per submission.
CUP members receive two free submissions per category, and $20 for one subsequent submission after. Papers cannot submit more than three submissions per category.
Papers will be invoiced after the submission period for any additional submissions by treasurer@cup.ca.
Invoices not paid one week (7 days) before the JHM Awards will result in disqualification.

Frequently Asked Questions
I'm not a CUP member. Can my publication still receive awards?
Yes, the JHMs are open to all Canadian student publications, even non-CUP members. CUP members receive two free submissions to each category, with the option to pay for an additional submission.
What are the rules of submission?
CUP members can submit two (2) submissions per category with no cost. One additional submissions can be submitted for $20. Non-CUP members and individuals can submit entries for $20. Non-CUP members are also limited to two submissions per category.
Entries can only be submitted to one category. Entires submitted to multiple categories will be disqualified.
What are the eligibility requirements?
Pieces published from November 1, 2023 - November 1, 2024 are eligible for this year's awards. Pieces must be published by a student writer of the publication at the time of publishing. They no longer need to be a student writer at the time of submission.
Who decides the winners?
Each year, a talented board of industry professionals are chosen to judge the JHMs. The judges represent various facets of the journalism and media industry. Interested in being a judge? Email vp@cup.ca for more information.
Where can I find the criteria for each award?
You can find the criteria for each award under our Award Categories page.
How do I nominate?
Nominations are open until December 9, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PST. Fill out this Google Form to submit nominations. Ensure that you are the only one submitting the nomination, as multiple nominations result in disqualification for that particular award.​
Arts & Culture Writing Award​
Y-Dang Troeung’s memoir Landbridge reflects on refugee existence and familial love
Elena Massing — The Ubyssey
Humour/Satire Award
New UBC policy waives course pre-reqs if you have a crush in the class
Tova Gaster — The Ubyssey
Marginalized Community Reporting Award
Ava Gili — Mars' Hill
Feature Writing Award
Miles Bolton — The Western Gazette
Investigative Reporting Award
Alleged hazing within a Carleton University Greek letter sorority
Faith Greco and Elissa Mendes — The Charlatan
The CWA Labour Reporting Award​
CUPE3902’s fight for health coverage
Alice Boyle — The Varsity
News Reporting Award​
Queen’s engineering exam question tweeted by Jordan Peterson
Sophia Coppolino and Sofia Tosello — The Queen's Journal
Op-Ed Award
It happened. What are we going to do about it?
Imprint Staff — Imprint
Sports Reporting Award
Pressure point: how performance anxiety affects student athletes
Miles Bolton — The Western Gazette
Indigenous Reporting Award
Northern Perspectives: The Agreement that Changed It All
Cedric Gallant — The Concordian
Science Reporting Award
ORCASat: How UVic students took an idea from campus to space
Hannah Seaton — The Martlet
Cover/Layout of the Year
Angelica Blanch — Capilano Courier
Graphic/Illustration of the Year
Keven Vaillancourt — The Concordian
Photo of the Year
Isabella Maggiore — The Ubyssey
Best Online Media Presence
Trent University, Peterborough, ON
Student Journalist of the Year
Zachary Fortier
The Link — Concordia University, Montreal, QC
Student Photojournalist of the Year​
Joesph Mariathasan
The Queen's Journal — Queen's University, Kingston, ON
Student Publication of the Year
The Griff and the Western Gazette